vineri, 28 septembrie 2012

The scary house

One summer day , Me and my friends : Suzzy , Ronnie and Abbey were playing volleyball. By mistake , Suzzy throw the ball very strong and it fell into the ,,haunted house `` yard.
     ``-Suzzy ….come on ….go to pick up my ball ! `` I said.
      `` -No …are you crazy ? I won`t never go in this yard …..everyone say that this is a haunted house …I am scared.`` said Suzzy.
       ``- Yeah…I also think that this  is a haunted house ….`` said Ronnie.
        ``-Do you hear what you say ? You are pathetic…..I don`t care …it`s my ball …so Suzzy go and pick up my ball. This is not a haunted house. These are just old stories…I don`t believe in its.``
           Suzzy gets angry and turns back to me .
         ``- Fine….I will go ..just if you come with me !``
          ``-Ok ….ok..ok ….you will see that this is  a normal house. `` I said.
            ``-Let`s go!`` said Ronnie
So ….We were to get tha ball. We just managed to open the old and rusty gate . When I tried to touch the ball …something strange happened. Started a very strong wind. The ball was taken by the wind and carried into the house through the front door opened.
            ``- Oh my God ….let`s get out of  here ….now !!!``I yelled.
 But…….there was a problem . We couldn`t open the gate. There was no way to get out of the yard…We shouted for help but no one heard us. Finally….I decided to get alone into the house to retrieve my ball.
               `` -Cristina wait !!! We won`t let you to go inside alone…we come with you !``said Ronnie.
                ``-Ok  girls …let`s go quickly ! ``.
  We entered into the house and to our surprise it was very nice decorated. The Tv was lit and on the table we saw cakes ready-made . Suddenly an old lady makes it appearance.
               ``-Hello girls . This is your ball?``
                 `` Yes ….it`s mine!`` I said.
She gave me the ball and invited us to eat cookies with a glass of milk. Since then we come here every day . We found a wonderful old lady that consider us like her nieces.

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